Greetings, salutations, happy holidays and Merry Christmas!

For the past couple of years we’ve had a Christmas themed haiku video to go along with our yearly Halloween and April Fools ones. This year is a bit different though. Retrospekt has been running two video game haiku series alongside one another; one being new content, one being more of a clip show featuring haiku from the past few seasons of the show. To celebrate the soon to be wrapping up of both the current haiku season as well as Haikupalooza, this year this instead of a Christmas haiku we have a Christmas Haikupalooza!

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and tune in next week for the next episode of the new Retrospekt Videogame Haiku 3.0, and then the following week for the next episode of Haikupalooza.

And have a merry day today, from all of us at Retrospekt.

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