- 72pins.com sells NES cartridge artwork
- Chiptune of the week
- Imperial March recreated with two floppy drives
- Elite releases 3 8bit computer games (iOS)
- Chrono Trigger scheduled for release on US PSN
- Space Invaders desktop ornament concept
- R-Type related news from SEGA and Amazon.com
- Keith Apicary's music video about the Virtual Boy
- Space Junk (heavily retro-inspired arcade game) for iOS
- Indie Mario Bros. film (mock) trailer
- NES light gun turned into a lamp
- Keith Apicary talking Streets of Rage, and relationships
- iCade compatible game database on Toucharcade
- Funny Chrono Trigger comic about time travel
- Game Boy Tetris & Doom in Minecraft
- Street Fighter scene painted on a fingernail
- This week's Chiptune
- Vibrant Mortal Kombat street art
- Another World 20th Anniversary (iOS) available
- NBA Jam prototype ROM for SEGA Master System discovered
- Super Pixel Bros. simplest handheld port of Mario ever
- Blipfest Australia announced!
- Legend of Zelda meme as a flyer
- TwinBee on 3DS eShop this week
- Aztec-style Metroid T-Shirt art
- Mario banner at Soccer game
- Luigi created from Tetris blocks
- Taito to release invaderCade for iPad
- Final Fight & Street Fighter 2 Collection (iOS)
- Chiptune of the Week
- Chrono Trigger coming to Android and iOS
- Wooden Game Boy/Double Dragon artwork
- Gallery 1988 hosting Old School Game exhibition
- Sky Attack video
- Super Crate Box coming to iOS
- Next Byte stocks iCade and Pinball Magic
- Ancient Egyptian Space Invaders on Papyrus
- Space Invaders iPad/iPhone cases
- R-Type now on Android
- 8bit Cafe in Japan
- Mario game in a cardboard box
- Full House Tournament Fighter
- Evolution of Game Controllers as a Poster
- Llamasoft games update + new release (iOS)
- Metal Slug in real life
- Syndicate reboot officially announced!